DPF Cleaner Hildenborough
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DPF Cleaner Hildenborough
DPF Cleaning & Restoration

Mobile Diesel Particulate Filter cleaning services around Hildenborough

Get a Quote: 0333 366 0023*
DPF Cleaner Hildenborough

Professional Mobile DPF Specialists in Hildenborough

Welcome to DPF Cleaner Hildenborough, your personal go-to provider for competent & cost-efficient diesel particulate filter (DPF) cleaning services.

If you own a diesel-powered automobile, you will need to have it thoroughly looked after to ensure its dependability. That's where we can help. Our expert technicians focus on cleaning DPFs to really get your diesel car, van, or perhaps truck (under 7.5 tonnes) back on the road.

Many people don’t value just how essential it is to get their DPF cleaned as part of the routine maintenance of their particular diesel powered automobile. Not doing this will impact the vehicles performance. Our service aren’t exclusively DPF cleaning. We also provide DPF diagnostics & aftercare support.

Your car or truck's DPF will be returned to the initial condition, and perfect working order because of our team of skilled and professional technicians.

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Exactly Who We Are

At DPF-Cleaner Hildenborough, we've several years of experience in cleansing DPF’s, and offer a local & dependable service.

Our group of engineers are fully certified. And offering the very best level of service is exactly what drives them.

Our technicians use high-end equipment and employ strong cleaning agents to help remove obstructions. If you’re troubled due to your vehicle's DPF, then do not wait to get in touch!

Alexander O 5
DPF Cleaning & Restoration

Just had my DPF cleaned by you. I can’t believe it worked!! I am over the moon in getting my Jag back on the road! Just to hear it red lining again was a great feeling!

Sammy S 5
DPF Cleaning & Restoration

The operative sent out to complete the actual DPF clean was great, well mannered and very professional in his whole approach. Would not hesitate to either use this company again or recommend them to others.

Get in touch now to get a free quote and availability information

Our Services

At DPF Cleaner, we offer high quality DPF cleaning solutions to make certain of your automobile's normal efficiency. Our professional services are customised to fulfill your unique requirements, and we endeavor to deliver high quality solutions every time, anywhere in Kent. Listed below are some of the expert services we provide:

  • - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) diagnostic
  • - DPF analysis
  • - DPF re-generation

Replacing your DPF can be very costly, the service we offer are actually a fraction of the replacement cost. Our high-quality services coupled with affordable pricing, make sure you get the most cost-efficient solution possible.

The Way We Do The Job

Once you book a cleaning visit with us, the first thing our own local Hildenborough technician is going to do is perform a diagnostic test on the automobile to find out whether any defects may prevent us from cleaning your DPF system.

If we find any specific issues, we are going to suggest you on the right option to take.

Assuming there are no big problems, we are going to then input our special soap-based detergent straight into the filter and then leave this to soak for between forty-five minutes and 1 ½ hours. Soaking will make certain that the debris causing the blockage would be loosened, allowing us to carry on with our heat based cleaning. While doing the heat cleaning, we will eradicate this system of all solution and dirt from the filter therefore it is left crystal-clear and clean.

To end this method, we reset any warning lights on the vehicle so that you could happily continue your journey.

Our Rates

When it comes to charges, we know that it's important to be crystal-clear with all of our customers. We want to enable you to understand the cost of our company's service. However we are not able to give a fixed price, because the price will vary depending upon the automobile's condition. Cleansing a DPF is often less expensive than changing the whole system. For instance, a whole new DPF will cost you between £1000 and £4000, whereas cleaning up one on the standard automobile in acceptable condition will likely be close to £250 to £400 + VAT.

For larger commercials, the charge might be higher, typically between £550 and £700 plus VAT.

Preferential Costs & Special Discounts

We are very pleased to be able to provide our professional services for a variety of local Kent clients, which includes business automobiles, taxi and delivery truck drivers, as well as Blue Light Card members, with preferential rates and deals. We understand the importance of keeping the motor vehicle running nicely, and we are here to help you reach that goal.

Right after the Job

Carrying out a great job of cleaning your current DPF is just the starting point in the fantastic solutions we provide.

As stated already the aftercare staff will phone you within just 48 hrs following the clean (other than week-ends) and we will gladly listen to your feedback and be sure you are happy with the actual services received.

Questions & Answers

We understand that you might have many questions regarding our expert services. The following are some of the frequently asked questions and their answers:

It truly does depend on the actual vehicle type and where it's located. Nevertheless, it is much less when compared to the price to change your current DPF & we can provide a quote before our scheduled visit.

Normally we could arrange a session within 2-4 working days. Many times it might be even sooner. If it's urgent, notify our team and we will see what we can do for you.

Usually it takes anywhere from 1:45-2:30 hours. 3hrs at the most when it is extremely clogged.

Main problems might prevent us right from undertaking the cleaning process. If the car can no longer start-up and run, we wouldn't be able to perform a clean.

We do a two part process. First we introduce the high-strength cleaning agent, which will break down the dust in your DPF over an hour or two. Next we use a heat based procedure to regenerate & totally cleanse it.

Yes, all alert lights related to the obstruction is going to be reset & taken out. For alert light associated with other issues, we can offer advisories on them.

DPF’s are literally self-cleaning. The problems take place when you are just doing brief trips. If this is the case, the DPF might require cleaning once again, so it is generally worth doing a lengthier trip every now and then.

For two weeks after the cleaning process we provide an after care service. If any type of lights come back on during this time we are going to revisit and do yet another clean of your car for you personally.

The end result is that cleaning DPF’s is a specialised procedure. Garages are fantastic to a point, but generally try to pressure the clean, by burning the dirt away followed by resetting the alert light. It could solve intense blocks for a short moment, however it is not a lasting solution.

We specialize in DPF cleaning process so can help clear the blocks completely. We ensure that all obstructions are actually cleared so that regeneration can take place.

Somebody must be right there in order to meet our professional and give accessibility for the automobile. They don’t essentially have to hang about whilst the clean is conducted, but they may also have to return by the end for the handover of the automobile.

The booking fee includes the initial expenses involved with our engineers travel, as well as completing the diagnostic test.

A guarantee isn't feasible to give as the DPF is affected by the way that your vehicle is driven. We actually do offer a 14 day aftercare package deal just in case any kind of DPF-related problems return.

It really is to notify you that your filter is obstructed and needs to be cleaned.

Where Can We Do the Job

We work on driveways, roadsides, vehicle parks, as well as any other areas having a flat working surface -- therefore, more or less any place in Hildenborough.

Repairing a car which is on a slope or steep incline is avoided because of the safety of our engineers.

Detecting the Problem

Any time you call us to reserve a cleaning appointment, we're going to inquire a few questions to discover if your DPF can be cleaned out.

A few of the inquiries we will ask involve:

  • Are your journeys generally just quick ones?
  • Has your current fuel efficiency end up being worse?
  • Does the vehicle’s start-stop operation presently function?
  • Any type of overall performance restrictions on the vehicle?
  • Has a garage asked you to contact us, or perhaps have you witnessed the light on your dashboard?

There are actually a few reasons why we might be unable to visit & clean your DPF.

For instance, when the vehicle has got some AdBlue system faults or perhaps a temperature sensor fault, the clean cannot be conducted. If the car or truck is a non-starter, we also cannot do the cleaning service.

Occasionally, we might be unable to totally reset the instrument cluster warning on your car. If other sorts of fault codes are showing up we can help you with advise on your next plan of action. In this case, we will give you advice on the subsequent steps you should take on to fix the issue.

If the motor vehicle has a defective pressure sensing unit, we will change it out for you personally for an additional charge. Common defects comprise DPF pressure sensors, EGR faults, & fuel vaporizers (particularly on Fords, which happen to be more prone to failure). We are able to also thoroughly clean EGR valves for clients on certain cars, but only if they're dusty and never showing any kind of long-term faults.

In terms of the fuel vaporizers, it has regrettably, to be a garage based repair service.

Once we have got cleaned out your current DPF system, our aftercare team will contact you in 48 hours (taking out weekends) to receive feedback from you. We're going to inquire with regard to the services you obtained and the way your vehicle is performing since. Obviously if you experience any kind of issues with the DPF within two weeks of the visit, we’ll revisit and put things right for you.

It's impossible to know whether your DPF has to be cleaned out without carrying out a diagnostics onto it. Therefore if you have any questions, don’t fret, simply call up our helpful people, and they will make an appointment with you to ultimately reach the bottom of your main questions, and schedule a visit when best suited.


Various issues with your diesel engine vehicle might be a consequence of a blocked or dirty DPF. In case you aren’t sure, or perhaps your dash alert light has come on, call us.

Our skilled team can recommend and point you in the right direction. We know it can be difficult if the car or truck has got issues so we want to assist you quickly & efficiently.

We'll only send our company's Hildenborough engineer to you personally if we believe that we could fix it.

Call: 0333 366 0023
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